Infant River Gabriel Isaac Harman passed away on Monday March 06, 2017 at River Oaks Hospital in Flowood, MS. A graveside service will be held on Sunday March 12, 2017 in the New Liberty Baptist Cemetery in Morton, MS. Bro. Paul Smith will officiate. Wolf Funeral Services in Morton, MS is in charge of the arrangements.
River is preceded in death by his maternal grandmother, Helen McCurdy and his paternal grandfather, Ernest Harman. He is survived by his parents, Joshua Harman and Charmaine Allen of Morton, MS; two half-sisters, Neleh Wells of Morton, MS and Annabelle Harman of Traverse City, MI; maternal grandfather, Frank McCurdy of Morton, MS; paternal grandmother, Edith Marie Harman of Mobile, AL; maternal great grandfather, Ollie McCurdy of Morton, MS; and paternal great grandmother, Edith Harman of Mobile, AL.
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